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Types of Software Testing

types of software testing

If you are in the market for software testing jobs, you should educate yourself on the different types of software testing. As a professional software tester, it is very likely that you will need to identify the type of testing that is best for the software you are testing. Different types of software testing have different strengths and weaknesses. Some types of software testing require extensive training and some types of software testing do not. You want to make sure that you are choosing the type of testing that is right for you.

The Main Types of Software Testing

Load Testing

What is the difference between normal and maximum load testing? Normal load testing is usually conducted during the development phase when the software is being designed and built. During normal load testing, the tester does not perform any modifications to the software and does not test the software system at all. Maximum load testing is typically performed after the system is complete and a final release is ready to be released.

End-to-end compatibility testing

There are many types of software testing methods that you can choose to perform on the software you are developing or testing. One type of software testing method is end-to-end compatibility testing. End-to-end compatibility testing verifies that the software you are using functions in a consistent manner and is able to operate normally with no unexpected results or behaviors.

Sanity testing

Another commonly used type of software testing method is sanity testing. Sane testing verifies that the software can meet the requirements laid out before the software was built. Software testers use many methods to verify the sanity of a software application. Some methods include looking at the source code, unit testing, and system testing. Software testers use these methods to find errors and defects in the application.

Nonfunctional testing

Non-functional testing is another commonly used software testing method. The purpose of non-functional testing is to find flaws in the design, code, and functionality, but without performing any actual changes to the system. The purpose of non-functional testing is to set the stage for successful testing. A tester may not even write code for the program under test, but will instead provide debugging tips and instructions.

Integration testing

Integration testing is usually performed before a new program is released. It requires thorough testing of the business processes involved with integrating the new software with an existing system. This type of testing is usually performed by specialized software testers. Often, the goal of integration testing is to find errors and defects in the process rather than to produce a finished product.

Importance of Developing a testing plan

When you begin developing a new software product, it’s important to first develop quality software testing and QA testing plans. You want to make sure that your software products are tested properly and thoroughly before you begin selling them. Without testing and debugging, you could lose a lot of money – or even have bad customer relations. When you begin planning your software product, be sure to include quality software testing as one of your tools for success!

Additional Types of software testing

In addition to the types of testing types described above, you can also choose to utilize several different types of software testing methods. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important that you choose the one that best meets your needs. Some types of testing include boundary detection, regression, and fault injection. Boundary detection checks to see if the boundary of a package is clear. Regression checks to see if software functionality has changed over time and may require some reworking of the software.

Fault Injection

Fault injection is another method to check for functional defects. This method verifies that functions within a software application are working correctly. Many software applications do not allow for user error to interfere with program operations but still insist on functional testing to verify that all functions are working correctly before releasing a product to the marketplace. Software QA testing helps to ensure that functional testing proves to be successful.

Functional and Structural Testing

Of course, there are many more types of functional and structural testing methods, and most are quite technical in nature. It’s difficult to list each type and explain in full how these types of tests function. Instead, you’ll want to discuss all of your software testing strategies and describe which functional and structural types of testing are involved in your specific software project. The goal is to select the right testing method based on the needs of the software project. While each type of testing will require a different strategy, the key is to select a strategy that effectively uses the different types of testing and makes the entire process more effective.

Accessibility Testing

Perhaps the most common of the software testing methods involve the process of accessibility testing. This process verifies that a website is usable for anyone who might visit it. Common forms of accessibility testing include web browsing, use of buttons, use of search boxes, use of point-and-click software, and so forth. This is typically performed when the business requirements have changed and new business requirements must be fulfilled. Software that meets the new requirements is tested to make sure that it is still user-friendly for the business’s users.